Parade Brunssum | a colourful, cultural range of dance, music and fun

Parade Brunssum in a nutshell? A magnificent 4-day trip around the world that lets you experience a cultural explosion of dance, music, rhythm and fun. That is what to expect from the International World Dance Festival Parade Brunssum. And, no need to leave town. It promises to be a spectacle beyond compare, simply not to be missed. Which takes lots of preparation, that much is clear. That’s why we are taking a quick look behind the scenes. Come along!

From 4 to 7 July Brunssum transforms into a multicultural hot-spot. The streets and Vijverpark will literally be filled with extra colour. Vibrant dance performances, cheerful social evenings, exciting workshops, a cultural market and of course, the well-known parade itself. Those are the ingredients that will make this week into a success. The 350 volunteers, 1 committee, various dance groups from 15 different countries, the municipality of Brunssum and approximately 65,000 spectators all have one goal: celebrate together! To make this happen, you need a well-trained and coordinated team that is fully committed. We talk about it with Festival chairman Ron Kamerman.

Dare to dance: join us! 

One happy chairman. “By all means!”, says Ron enthusiastically. “I’m very much looking forward to this year’s edition and we are all very excited and eager to turn it into a fantastic event. The theme of  World Dance Festival Parade Brunssum is Dare to Dance. We challenge everyone, the young and the old, to join in. This year, we have also consciously involved schools to start work on their own themes. Also the senior citizens’ centres in the vicinity. The young and the old indeed! We are introducing a new and surprising perspective on folklore and modern dance forms. It has resulted in a beautiful mix with a great variety.”


Without volunteers no Parade Brunssum

“We stick to who we are, but at the same time improved professionalization is key to be future-proof. Together with our 350 volunteers. Especially in light of safety, which will be a hot topic this year, coordination is a must. As the date gets closer, we meet more frequently,” says Ron. He is keen to put the volunteers in the spotlight. “Without them, all this wouldn’t get off the ground. It’s not just the helping hands, but also their enthusiasm. They really put their heart and soul into this event to make it into a success. And in my view they deserve all the credits for that!”

15 countries in the mix

In this edition of World dance festival Parade Brunssum, you travel to 6 continents and an impressive 15 countries. From Tanzania, Japan, Taiwan, India, Philippines, Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela, New-Zealand, Indigenous US, Northern Cyprus, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia to our home country the Netherlands. Next to various other dance and music groups they will all participate in the actual parade itself that will liven up Brunssum in a colourful procession, finishing in the Vijverpark. Ron adds: “In the park we have an open podium and this will hopefully result in a cultural explosion. From bands mixing with the groups, to spectators taking the stage. Meeting and connecting, bridging the gap.”

Pssst... did you know that the Parade in Brunssum not only links cultures, but also ignites many love stories? Adriana met her husband during the Parade and this love made her move to the Netherlands. She is now a volunteer at Parade Brunssum. Read her story here!

Fraternization and connection key

“That is what this is all about, connecting at its best. So, go out and meet each other. Bridge that gap. Let’s embrace this during the World Dance Festival Parade Brunssum and immerse yourself in the atmosphere, the rhythm and the culture. Let it become a great spectacle of love and friendship. If I feel even half the amount of positivity of the last edition, I’m a happy man! Besides trusting this edition will be a resounding success, Ron is also hoping for more cooperation across the province. “Let us work together as regional events and present ourselves as the cultural hotspot-to-be. With a coordinated agenda. We have so many great things to offer here. Wouldn’t that be a blast!”